Friday, January 30, 2009

The "Plane" Truth

If you talk to a pilot they’ll tell you that any novice pilot can take off in an airplane, but landing takes an experienced pilot. How would you feel if you boarded a plane & the pilot took off nice & smooth, While up in the air you looked out the window enjoying the view & the beauty of being above the clouds, the pilot comes across the speaker with good news & bad, "The good news is that the skies are clear & blue at our height of 30,000 feet. The bad news is that we are out of gas & I have no idea how to land this thing”? I don’t know about you but, I’ve been on a plane & it would have a bad effect on my nerves as well as my pants.

You know in this world today with all the cults & "isms" they don’t give much hope. Yea, a few talk about resurrection, but none have produced a body. Without resurrection, there is no hope. The "isms" & false religions of this world are allowing people to fly high with no means to land safely. The leaders of these cults are taking people on a wonderful flight; while they’re lining their own pockets & becoming filthy rich, then when it’s all said & done they leave them with no hope of a safe, secure eternity. But Jesus, He gave us hope of an eternity in full resurrection with Him.

Now let’s take a look at the following evidence that gives us reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead:

(1) An Empty Tomb. The body of Jesus was wrapped in a linen cloth and it was placed in a tomb cut out of solid rock. A very large stone weighing about 2 tons was rolled against the entrance. A Roman watch of strictly disciplined men stood guard at the tomb according to the instructions of the authorities (Matthew 27:66). They obviously wanted the body to stay behind the stone barrier. Yet the tomb is empty till today. The body is not in the tomb because Jesus rose from the dead.

(2) Appearances of Jesus. Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others for 40 days after His resurrection. More than 500 people saw the resurrected Christ at the same time during this period (I Corinthians15: 6). History also supports this fact. The historian Josephus wrote "For Jesus appeared to them the third day alive again, as the holy prophets had predicted" These appearances can only be possible if He rose from the dead. This evidence strongly points towards the resurrection of Jesus.

(3) Transformation of People. Christ transformed people in history and still is transforming people today. This is only possible if he is alive. He transformed his disciples. They all fled out at the time of His capture. But after a few days they became men who were ready to die for Him. Only one of the disciples died a natural death. Others were stoned, crucified, killed by sword, boiled alive, etc. Only the conviction that Jesus conquered death could transform them. The disciple saw the risen Jesus. If they had not seen Him, they would never have given their lives for what they knew was a lie. And such lives of conviction led many such Christians to do the same in times of persecution in history.

Some of you are flying high on a joyride through life…but what about when you have to land this thing…is your pilot someone you can trust to get you to the terminal safely? Someone, who you can hand over the controls to, or are you holding on to your own parachute, because you have no true faith or hope?

Put your faith in Jesus, He has already landed & successfully brought multitudes upon multitudes Home safely.

Thanks for flying Salvation Airlines… for when you want to enjoy the flight & land as well.


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