Friday, January 2, 2009

Hairdryer Clarity

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.”
(1 Corinthians 13:12)

Standing in front of the mirror this morning, right after a steamy, hot shower, I could see about as good as Stevie Wonder at a blindfold convention. The mirror was all fogged up, I couldn’t see myself at all, now that may have been a good thing, but I couldn’t shave or style the do. So I took the hairdryer aimed it at the mirror & proceeded to defog my mirror. In a few seconds the steamed up mirror was clearing. As it cleared, the verse above hit me & seemed to make more sense than ever. Looking through the fogged up mirror, I didn’t know what I truly looked like. But as it cleared, I saw all that before was covered. All that was dimly seen was now clear & unobstructed.

The question is often asked, “Will we know our loved ones in Heaven?” I believe this verse shows that we will. Someone once asked G. Campbell Morgan this very question, his answer was, “I do not expect to be a bigger fool in Heaven than I am here, & I know my loved ones here”. 

I believe we will know things that we have always wondered about, the creation of the world, the extinction of the dinosaurs, what Jesus’ life was like from 2 years old to 30, why my wife loves me, etc… All in all it will be an amazing day when we walk into Heaven, there will be nothing left to hope for, so hope will disappear, there will be no need for faith, for the one we have faith in will be standing right before us. But love, love will remain, love will always be there, that’s why “The greatest of these is love”. We will know true love, so very clearly. 


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