Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is Sunday School A Waste of Time?

(1837-1899) Dwight L. Moody, the popular American preacher and evangelist, received little education before entering employment as a shoe salesman. He was converted through the ministry of his Sunday School teacher, Edward Kimball, and soon became active in Christian service. Moody was best known for his work with the Young Men's Christian Association, in Christian education and the building of schools. Moody founded the largest Sunday School of his day, with a weekly attendance of 1,500. President Abraham Lincoln visited and spoke at the Sunday School meeting on November 25, 1860. Traveling to England in the 1870's, Moody preached before thousands and established himself as one of the greatest evangelists in history. Moody went on to establish what would be later called the Moody Bible Institute.
Still think Sunday School is unimportant & a waste of time? If you teach Sunday School, Life Connection Groups or whatever your church calls it. Make sure that you give it your all & His. God wants to still do great things through men & women who to most are not capable. Moses thought that he was incapable of helping God in His work…and he was…but he was not unusable. Adrian Rogers once said, "Moses spend his first forty years in the palace learning to be a somebody. He spent the next forty years in the wilderness learning to be a nobody. He spent his last forty years leading the children of Israel, learning that God can make a nobody into a somebody."
Put your all in to all your students, & never count yourself as useless to the God who created you.


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