Saturday, January 3, 2009

Evil One Shoe

"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid."
(Proverbs 12:1)

This verse could be called "A Walk Through the Life of Vern". Growing up I was a little on the rebellious side. O.K., maybe a lot on the rebellious side…I mean, I made Darth Vader jealous. If someone told me not to…I usually would. If someone said don't…I usually did. If someone said stay away from it…I hung out with it. I'm not in anyway proud of the way I was, I mean read the latter part of the above verse, I was stupid. Check out the definition of stupid: regarded as unintelligent: regarded as showing a lack of intelligence, perception, or common sense. That my friend was me…notice, I said was. When Jesus truly comes into a life He will…not He may…but He will, change that life, & it's always for the better. I don't say these things now because I'm older & more uptight. I say these things now because I love people. I don't want to see anyone make the same stupid…there's that word again, mistakes that I made. I had people all around me that constantly warned me. Now I find myself giving the same warnings to others, but just like me, they give that "I'm listening, but I'm not going to take the advice look". At times you can really see how God must feel, when He's trying to lead those he loves in the direction of least heartache.
If I could only go back, I would take the Godly guidance that was graciously given to me & run with it. But thank God for second chances.
This verse maybe the story of my youth, but to some it maybe that the story was told a little different. You may have been one & maybe one now that strives to do what is right. One who longs to have the approval of God. One who when warned listens. If you are, do not be ashamed when mindless people call you uptight, goody two shoes…what does that mean anyway? Would it be better if I was evil one shoe? You'll find when you look at a person who does wrong, they don't want to do it alone. They also think what they are doing is good, because it makes them feel good. But that feeling is only temporary. they will end up in ruin.

"In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality."
(Proverbs 12:28)


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