Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random Thoughts in Wal-Mart

This is not at all Biblical, just thoughts while grocery shopping alone.

I was at Wal-Mart last night strolling down the cereal aisle & noticed that "Cookie Crisp" cereal has got a new character on their box. Why did they change? Does that make me buy their cereal? What if I liked, the old one? Would that make me not buy the cereal, because of the change? So I checked into it. I did a little “Cookie Crisp” research (I really need mental help).
Remember this dude? "Cookie Jarvis".
Not cookie jar, but Cookie Jarvis. I have to admit that I liked him, but it's kind of stupid to have a character that goes around changing stuff into a cereal bowl full of "Cookie Crisp". I mean what if I was enjoying some "Cap'n Crunch", by the way are we just going to act like Captain on this cereal ain't spelled Cap'n? Anyway, what if I was all off into my Cap'n Crunch & this Cookie Jarvis dude decided that I ought to be eating Cookie Crisp, & bip bam boom, Crunch goes to Crisp. I might have to go off on Jarvis. Tell him to get off that cookie crack & put my Cap'n back!

Sorry, let's move on. The next character or characters they had, where the Cookie Crook, Officer Crump (or the Cookie Cop) & Chip (the Cookie Hound). Why didn't the little kids just offer the Cookie Crook some Crisps, he must have wanted them pretty bad, he was willing to steal them. Kind of like the Trix rabbit…I blame their whole life of deceit & crime on those stingy kids. How much could that little crook eat, what maybe one or two pieces? Come on you little miserly kids…give up some of that C.C.

The last one & the one that still is the character today is "Chip" the wolf (use to be known as Howler).
There again the stealing! He is a wolf version of the Cookie Crook. Let the dude have some cereal! I know what you're thinking, "Why don't he go buy his own." Have you looked at him lately…he's a wolf! How many times have you seen a wolf, walk into to a grocery store & buy something. He can't get a job, he's a wolf. He's got no money, he's a wolf. Besides, if he walked into the store people would scream & run. They'd call animal control & the next thing you know he'd be tranquilized & relocated to the mountains of Montana. I just wonder if someone fed him Cookie Crisp as a pup & now he's hooked & can't get a fix. That's why animals don't need to eat human food, like cereal.

Hope you enjoyed the history of the Cookie Crisp characters. Remember, stop crime…share your cereal.


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