Saturday, January 3, 2009

Using the Dark Side

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
(Romans 8:28)

I was working on the computer one day, typing away in my "bird peck" typing style (I use both my middle fingers as my main point), needless to say I made a few mistakes, praise God for Spelling & grammar check, so I highlighted the unusable parts & slap the "delete" button. When I did, I thought to myself, "how cool would it be if we had a delete button through out our life". When we made stupid mistakes before anyone could see them we could, BAM…hit the delete button of life & do it over. But, by now I'd probably have a broken delete button. The awesome thing about God is, that we don't need a delete button. When we accept Christ he not only forgives us of our mistakes, He also uses them for our good & for the good of others. Mistakes I've made in life, now can help others…before they experience them or to help others see that there is a way out after a mistake. It amazes me when after giving my testimony, people have come up to me & said, "You've got a great testimony." I usually reply, "No, I've got a bad testimony that God used for good. Now the person who accepted Christ early in life & had a good relationship with Jesus, that person has a great testimony, one I'd love to have."
Never let someone tell you that God can't use you because of your past, if they do, refer them to Moses, David, Peter, Paul, etc… I believe that they will change their thinking.


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