Saturday, January 31, 2009

If there’s anybody out there, I can save you I can save everybody

When I sit & reflect on what Christ has done in my life, as I often do when God allows me to share His Word publicly, my thoughts often go to a hill just outside of Jerusalem called Calvary…Golgotha or "the place of the skull". A place where criminals of Rome… thieves, murders, traders & revolutionaries, lost there lives for the lives they lived. Where mothers sobbed at the bleeding feet of their children, where fathers watched as their dreams for their little boys suffocated from the weight of their own bodies, a place of anguish, cruelty, suffering & loss, a place of…hope? Yes a place of hope, a place of, the Hope.

Just like the miraculous birth of the Lord of lords & King of kings, in a smelly, cold stable, in a small meaningless town like Bethlehem. The same is like hope from Golgotha. The place where hope flees, would become the place where the world would run for hope & salvation.

In the movie "I am Legend", Will Smith’s character stated that “I can save everybody". Robert Neville, played by Will Smith, is a virologist, who thinks that he is the last surviving human on earth that is not infected with a vicious man-made virus. He works to create a cure while living in a city inhabited by mutant victims of the airborne virus. 

During the movie Dr. Neville finds the cure in the blood of one of the virus victims that he has captured in order to try & find that cure. Though this movie was a tad bit more troubling than I thought it’d be, you couldn’t help but noticed the message that was hidden at the end of the movie…the cure…was in the blood. Not that this was a Christian movie or that it was written by a Christian, but it was cool how that’s where he found it…the same place we find the cure for the man-made virus that all of us are infected with…sin. 

This virus we all share started back in the Garden of Eden, when Adam was infected. We all like to blame it on Eve, but it wasn’t until Adam took that bite, that sin entered the world & made zombies of us all. Zombies, walking dead. Zombies who need a cure, found in the blood of Jesus who died on Golgotha. A place of the place of life, a place where Jesus "can save everybody".


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