Saturday, January 3, 2009


"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean."
Matthew 23:25-26
I was at work a few days ago & went to get some coffee, I picked up my cool "Dad…You are my guardian & the champion of my dreams" cup, which my son bought for me at the school Christmas store. Did I mention that I was very proud of that cup? Any way…I went to pour some coffee into the cup when I noticed that it was nasty. Not on the outside, it looked good. But on the inside it looked like something had died in it. There was no way that I was going to us that cup. I kind of see how God feels. In the scriptures above you can see what Jesus said to the teachers & the Pharisees…He told them that they needed to get the inside clean & right, the outside was handled, but the inside was filthy…& to God that's what truly matters. You can look like a solid Christian, new suit, shiny shoes with your best church socks, a big new Bible, hairdo like you like it & make sure that you are at every church event that comes along. But the reality of it is that none of that matters to God. He wants us first & foremost clean on the inside…He wants us real where it matters…in our hearts.
I remember riding in my parent's brown, Mercury, lying in the back, up where the speakers were, looking
out the back window as we were riding down the road. I know that most people younger than I am can not imagine parents that would allow a child to ride like that in a moving car, since most have grown up strapped into a car seat. But you have to remember that these were the days when we rode bikes with no helmet, skateboards with no knee pads & the playground slides were metal & baked in the summer sun & would give you third degree burns if touch by the bare skin, it was a tougher time, we were rugged, strong, we walked 20 miles to school in knee deep snow…o.k., maybe not knee deep, maybe not 20 miles…o.k., o.k. I rode the bus. Anyway, I was watching out the back window of the car & saw the coolest car I had ever seen. It was candy apple red, low to the ground, it looked like a Lamborghini…I was flippin' out. The closer it got the more excited I got. But as it passed I heard the weirdest sound…I heard a Volkswagen engine. It was what they called a "kit" car. It looked good on the outside, but on the inside it was just a "Volkswagen".
On the outside, do you look good? Do you look like a Christian? Do you sound like a Christian? Do you "act" like a Christian? That's all well & good, but it won't matter if inside you're just a…Volkswagen.


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